Rehab Pathways
Begin your restoration
Our Approach
We believe in restoration, not just relief, which means doing things a little differently. Find the space to stop, breathe, and find restoration with the freedom to do it at home or on the go.
Physio Education
Our bodies are always trying to tell us something and we believe the best way to recover is taking time to understand what our pain is telling us. We walk you through how pain works, understanding your body, and how to help it get to a place where it can heal.

Step-by-Step Demonstrations
Before getting started, we’ll break down each exercise in simple, easy-to-follow steps so that you can see how each move is done and safely follow along at home.

Guided Exercises
Choose one of our guided pathways that match your pain. Each video will help you slow down, breathe, and get your body at its optimal state to go through exercises. Watch the demo or listen along to the voice-over instructions as you practice the exercise.

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