Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Consent - Please Be Safe

  • 02

    Session 1:

    • Your Body Has A Story To Tell

    • Introduction To Our Workbook

    • Downloadable Workbook

    • Your History: A Guided Exercise To Unpack Your Story

    • Getting Chronological Context To Your Body's Story And Piecing It Together

    • Assessment

  • 03

    Session 2:

    • Goal setting: How To Discover What Truly Matters To You

    • Connecting to feel: Seeing vs Feeling

    • Connecting to feel: A Guided Demonstration

  • 04

    Session 3:

    • Understanding How Movement Patterns Work Vs Location Of Your Pain

    • Dealing With The Force: How Loading Patterns Work

    • Assessment

  • 05

    Next Steps...

    • Copy of Congrats! Here's your next step.