Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Consent - Please Be Safe

  • 02

    Session 1:

    • Reassuring Your Body With Your Breath

    • Understanding Important Anatomy In Your Neck

    • An Insight Into How Your Body Is Speaking Using Different Muscle Contraction Types

    • Demo 1 | Foundational Neck Activations

    • Exhale Hum: Functional Anterior Neck Flexor Contraction

    • Repetitive Neck Retraction

    • Isometric Pec/Chest Contraction With Exhale Hum

    • Assessment

  • 03

    Session 2:

    • Demo 2 | Activating Your Deep Neck Muscles

    • Resisted Isometric Deep Neck Flexors

    • Resisted Isometric Deep Neck Extensors

  • 04

    Session 3:

    • Demo 3 | The Neck's Big 4

    • Resisted Isometric Scalenes

    • Resisted Isometric Levator Scapular

    • Resisted Isometric Splenius Capitis

    • Resisted Isometric SCM (Sternocleidomastoid)

  • 05

    Session 4:

    • Demo 4 | Full Arm loading variations

    • Resisted Isometric Upper Extremity Loading - 4 Directions

    • Demo 5 | Functional Arm & Forearm movements

    • 2 Point Active Range of Motion Pronation/Supination To Counte

  • 06

    Session 5:

    • Thoughts On Stretching Your Neck

    • Sleep: Unpacking A Key Element To Unlocking Your Pain

    • Demo | Sleeping: How to get comfortable

    • Assessment

  • 07

    Next Steps...

    • Congrats! Here's your next step.